Friday, June 29, 2012

Pallet Garden

Not many of us West Enders are fortunate enough to have big yards. Julie, inspired by this site, has recycled shipping pallets to create a vertical veggie garden along her garage. A great way to add more space!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Red Menace

The red lily leaf beetle is a big problem in Winnipeg this summer. The invasive insect has no natural predators in Canada and is difficult to control. Here are some suggestions from the Manitoba Regional Lily Society:

  • Handpick the adult beetles (6-8 mm ¼ inch in length) as soon as they appear on the emerging lilies.
  • Spray the adults with any pyrethrum based (0.5%) insecticide or any other registered pesticide. Rotenone may also be effective.
  • Destroy the egg cases on the underside of the leaves.  Eggs are in yellow/orange clusters or in irregular rows. The eggs are quite small, approximately 1 mm.
  • Remove the larvae.  Can be very messy.  Use rubber gloves.
  • Dust or spray with Rotenone or any pyrethrum based pesticide.
  • Spray the larvae and the underside of the leaves with Neem Oil at 5-7 day intervals throughout the season.  Neem is ineffective on adults.
  • Adults over winter in the surrounding soil or under plant debris.  Some adults may survive over two seasons.  Stir up the surrounding soil or the mulch in early spring and kill any emerging beetles before they have a chance to lay their eggs.
  • It is up to each gardener to check their lily plantings at least weekly for signs of the beetle.  Because the beetles are strong fliers and can move around the neighborhood, inform your neighbors and help them to control this pest.
Lily beetles in a West End garden
Lily beetle larvae
Although the suggested controls include both chemical and natural  methods, no particular products have been approved for use on the red lily beetle. Gardeners should choose the method that they are comfortable with and which work best for them.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mow Better and Sharpening Clinic

Wednesday, June 20 from 6:30 - 7:30p.m.

DMSMCA will be holding a FREE lawn mower clinic in partnership with the Manitoba Eco-Network. Bring your push / reel mower and learn to sharpen it yourself. Receive information about how to get an optimal cut of your grass and how to recycle lawn equipment.

Please contact Robyn with questions or to register at: or 774-7005.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Composting for Beginners

Tuesday, June 19 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Want to start composting but need a little help? DMSMCA will be holding a FREE workshop that will cover the basics of composting from bin selection, what you should and shouldn't put in your bin and the ever crucial ratio of greens to browns.

Please contact Robyn with questions or to register at: or 774-7005.